After the family left, life got back to normal. I retired to my wood shop and started to make sawdust again. About this time a friend and neighbour asked if I would refinish an old end table she had. I said I would take a look at it. I was shown this round smoker's table (like an end table but a little taller) that had this ugly blonde finish. She asked if I could just strip it and repaint it. I agreed. When I got home, I noticed a manufacturer's label and manufacturing number on the underside. I did a little research and found that it was built around 1900 in Ontario. When I stripped it, I found the most beautiful mahogany. I then proceeded to decontruct and repair it. After reassembly and six coats of varethane this is what I found.
I made arrangements to drop it off. When I walked into her house I showed her the finished table with out any explanation. She was impressed with the table I had in my hands but wanted to know where her end table was. When I told her this was it she was flabbergasted. I also showed a copy of the information I found on the company that built the table.
She had intended to put it down in the family room so the kids had something to eat off. It is now in the upstairs living room.
I was also offered a job at a new cell phone booth in the mall. I took it just to keep me occuppied and from under Sharon's feet. Since then I have been transferred to the company's booth at Costco. I am enjoying myself and enjoy working with the two young ladies that are there. So far I have made some money and received a new cell phone. A Samsung Galaxy S. I have had it for a couple of weeks and still learning how it works. You have to be smarter than your smart phone to get it to do what you want.
The other day as I was getting into my car, I noticed the swing I put up in the tree. It looked so lonely. The grass has even grown back under it. I took some pictures that I entitled "A Forgotten Friend".
That is about all for now. I am retiring to my wood shop on my days off and and in the evening to start on some projects I have put off and Santa's Christmas gifts. If any one has a request let me know and I will add them to Santa's work shop list. I am sure Santa will oblige them.
Till next time.