Monday, February 11, 2008

May you live in interesting times...

This has been an interesting year so far. My grandchildren were tested for every thing from leukemia to to lactose intolerance. Tank goodness all their tests were negative.

Now its my turn. I went into see my doctor about a follow up to a training injury. I tore the tendon that is attached to the last section of my ring finger. I was complaining about no energy. He said that it was time I had a complete physical so he ordered some blood tests. Two days later I got a call from his nurse says that I now had another appointment and not to miss it. I have a liver that is producing things it shouldn't and not producing things it should. The same goes for the pituitary gland. The blood tests also show almost no testosterone in the system either. My blood pressure is all over the place and my heart can't decide if it is going to beat at its normal 60 beats per minute or 150 beats. This poses a problem. My doctor doesn't want me to do any strenuous exercise. The 10 to 15,000 paces I walk at work are fine as is no more than 10 minutes on an elliptical machine and not at a high aerobic rate. This meant that a dream that I have had had to be put on hold. I had to close the Dojo at the end of January.

I have had more blood taken from me than being the main course at a vampires convention. The good thing is I started the first round of appointment with the specialist last week. It was the blood pressure expert at the clinic. This is the first of about a half dozen visits with her. After about an hour interview she came to the same conclusion that my kids did. This isn't much that I can change in my life style. She gave me some guidelines to fine tune my diet and that is about all. When I started the appointment my BP was 141 over 97. When I left it was 132 over 81. The first was high the second was just above normal for someone my age. The weight and waste size she said that I should be at according to the charts are the same as I was when I was 18 and in school. Both of us don't think that is going to happen. I told her that I had lost about 10 pounds over the last couple of months. She said that was the right direction and to keep at it. Thus the fine tuning in diet.

The next round of appointments is with the endocrinologist on the 6th of March. When I am through with him I am probably off to the internist to check the liver etc out. I am not worried yet as my doctor didn't seem to be overly concerned... yet. As Pres Hinckley often said "Don't worry. It will work out."

Until next time. Maybe a little about my political views then. We are in the middle of a provincial election here. And then again maybe not.

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